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綠色科技高級特許學校為年輕人準備了獲得Regents文憑的高中做好的準備,使他們在成年後將有機會上大學或選擇另一種負責任的職業道路。 Green Tech High將通過提供完整的高中課程(以一種哲學和文化為後盾)來成功完成這項任務,以確保每個學生都能獲得Regents文憑所必需的技能和課程,包括使用計算機技術,從而了解技術如何影響我們的未來並灌輸對環境因素的知識,包括對人類的影響和可持續性。

綠色科技高級特許學校為年輕人準備了獲得Regents文憑的高中做好的準備,使他們在成年後將有機會上大學或選擇另一種負責任的職業道路。 Green Tech High將通過提供完整的高中課程(以一種哲學和文化為後盾)來成功完成這項任務,以確保每個學生都能獲得Regents文憑所必需的技能和課程,包括使用計算機技術,從而了解技術如何影響我們的未來並灌輸對環境因素的知識,包括對人類的影響和可持續性。

Smiling graduate in cap and gown

在Green Tech於2008年8月1日開放之前,住在奧爾巴尼市學區範圍內的學生和父母只有一所公立高中可供選擇。為了應對這種情況,一群社區成員希望為困在奧爾巴尼表現不佳的公立學校的低收入學生創造高質量的教育機會。奧爾巴尼大約五分之一的城市居民為送子女上非公立學校而不是奧爾巴尼公立學校付費—但是對於低收入家庭,這通常不是一種選擇。因此,構想了一個新的公立高中的想法-綠色技術高級特許學校。

在特許學校專家的協助和大量的教育研究的幫助下,寫了近500頁的申請書,詳細介紹了學校的各個方面,並提交給了紐約州立大學董事會。 2006年7月31日,在創始校長約翰·泰勒(John Taylor)的批准下,申請開放綠色技術高級特許學校的申請成為了綠色技術高級的夢想。學校花了額外的一年的計劃時間,並於2008年8月開業。

Green Tech在2008年秋季盯著九年級,隨後每年每年都增加一個新年級,並於2012年春季畢業了第一年的高年級。在創立校長John Taylor退休後,Paul Miller博士被選為第二年級( (現任)綠色技術負責人。2012年夏天。目前,參加綠色技術的372名學生來自紐約大首都區(阿爾巴尼,倫斯勒,斯克內克塔迪和特洛伊)來參加綠色技術,因為綠色技術提供了一個安全,小型,專注且有紀律的學習環境,使年輕人能夠蓬勃發展。

Our History


School Culture

學校文化是影響所有學生成就的唯一最重要的因素。 GTH不僅向學生灌輸技能,而且向他們灌輸習慣和行為。校長負責監督學校文化的發展和維護,學生院長主要負責學生的紀律處分。

確保積極的行為和成就的文化對於改善學生的學習和成就至關重要。與其他高績效特許高中類似,Green Tech High強化了一個高期望值體系,該體系首先要求所有學生必須誠實,負責任,誠實,專注於學習和成就,表現出仁慈和尊重,以成為紳士。成人,其他學生,他們自己和學校財產。這些“不可談判的人”通過準時上課,準備學習的學生在學校大樓中嶄露頭角;不斷學習和閱讀;遵循著裝要求;知道並完成所有分配的作業;在學校期間關閉並收起所有電子設備;僅舉幾例。


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Attendance Policy

Attendance is crucial to all of our students’ success at Green Tech High.  Students that miss several days cannot master the content and skills of our rigorous academic program.  A student marked absent for the day cannot participate in any extracurricular activities that day. Students that skip class when they are known to be present will receive daily detention. Students who disrupt their class repeatedly will be sent to a Dean for the remainder of the period and also receive daily detention.


Zeros Aren't Permitted

Every Wednesday students attend "ZAP" period. Without an advisory period and each class cut short by 1 minute, the last hour of the school day is devoted to helping students make up assignments, complete extra credit work if available, and receive more individual attention and help from teachers. Students report to the class in which they have the lowest grade overall. Students who have higher than 75% in all their classes receive a free study-hall period during ZAP. This program allows teachers to more readily identify problems students may be experiencing in their classes and address them head on. At GTH zeros are not permitted!


Dress Code

In order to allow students to focus on learning and to create a sense of community, Green Tech High has adopted a mandatory student dress code.  It has evolved after significant review of the student dress codes of the highest performing charter high schools across the country.


Clothing worn by students at Green Tech High should emphasize the fact that the school is both a community and a place of work.  Students should dress in a way that expresses their membership in the community and that meets the standards of a workplace.  The attire should be neat and tidy and should conform to Green Tech High’s uniform policy at all times.  Please refer to the Student Handbook for complete Green Tech High Dress Code Policy information.


Uniforms can only be purchased after a student is accepted and enrolled into Green Tech High. All students are required to wear black or khaki slacks. Cargo pants, jeans or other styles are NOT permitted. Students may wear any sneakers they so wish but BOOTS ARE NOT PERMITTED. The dress code is strongly enforced and offenses will be followed up by disciplinary actions. Students wear different color oxford or polo shirts according to their prospective grade:

Young man in school uniform working at desk

六年级黄色 Polo 衫,带有绿色科技标志。

七年级:蓝色 Polo 衫,带有绿色科技标志。

八年级:带有绿色科技标志的紫色 Polo 衫。

新生带有绿色科技标志的黑色 Polo 衫


青少年灰色 Polo 衫,带有绿色科技标志。

高级带有绿色科技标志的白色 Polo 衫。




No lottery was required after 4/1/21 at Green Tech High Charter School because we had enough opportunity to accept all applicants. 


Why All Boys?

Green Tech High’s choice to be an all-male school is underscored by national, state, and local research illustrating that our society is at risk of losing a generation of young men.  These “lost boys” are dropping out of high school, hitting the streets, joining gangs, turning to drugs, and as often as not, becoming caught-up in the criminal justice system.(1) These young men have very little chance of ever making it to college; their futures are just as likely to involve incarceration as education.


Here in Albany, the statistics for minority boys are grim:

High Dropout &

Failure Rates

Dropout rates are high for all children in Albany, but are especially so for minority students and for boys in particular.

Majority of Court-Placed Youth

The data indicates that minority males also comprise the overwhelming share of youths placed by the courts into juvenile delinquency facilities and programs. In 2002, of the 42 youths ordered into such programs, 83% were minorities and 83% were males. (4)

High Juvenile Arrests

According to the data, 76% of juveniles arrested by the Albany City Police Department were African American, only 24% were white. 73% of arrests were male, 27% female. (5)

Heavy Involvement in Gangs

In recent years, youth gang activity in the City of Albany has reached disturbing levels.  The dominant rival gangs have essentially split the city into uptown and downtown territories. (6)  Probation officers in Albany “have been struggling with what they believed to be escalating violence being committed by local youth who were involved in organized gang activity.”(7) These gangs, which traffic in drugs, firearms, and explosives, and commit acts of violence ranging from burglary to murder, are recruiting boys as young as seven or eight years old into their ranks. The common age range for gang members is 14 to 26 years old.(8) Gang members are overwhelmingly African American and Latino.(9)

Interestingly, research has shown that poorly performing schools contribute to the growth of gangs.  A study conducted in Rochester, New York, identified three school-related variables as significant risk factors for gang membership: low expectations for success in school by parents and students; low commitment to school by students; and low attachment to school teachers.(10)

High AIDS Rates

In Albany, the latest data reveals an alarming number of AIDS cases, with a disproportionate impact on minority youth. The rates of HIV/AIDS hospitalizations are greatest among blacks, particularly black males,(11) and the rate of new cases of AIDS is nearly 10 times higher for blacks (58.2 per 100,000) than for whites (6.1 per 100,000).(12)  According to the AIDS Council of Northeastern New York, new cases of teenagers infected with HIV doubles every 14 months. Contributing factors include drug use and early sexual behavior. 

Green Tech High is uniquely designed to address each of these variables!

With nearly nine out of every ten African American and Latino students in Albany failing the state’s 8th grade reading and math tests,(13) it is understandable that many become frustrated and drop out of school. Naysayers may assert that these children cannot be “saved,” let alone be prepared to attend the nation’s top colleges and universities.   Attempting to justify these low expectations, such critics cite the prevalence of low-income families, single-parent households and other demographic factors in which these children are raised.  One thing is certain, however: these teenagers will not be saved if all that is offered them is more of the same type of public education that has already failed them. Green Tech High is proposing an all-boys school in order to effectively serve Albany’s most challenged high school student population.


Research confirms that young men, particularly minorities, are the most educationally at-risk.  Dr. Cornelius Riordan, an educational researcher and professor of sociology at Providence College, noted that: “…Boys are less likely than girls to be in an academic (college-preparatory) curriculum.  They have lower educational and occupational expectations, have lower reading and writing test scores, and expect to complete their schooling at an earlier age.”(14)  The U.S. General Accounting Office found that urban males benefit from single-sex schools: “Many educators are convinced of the value of single-gender settings for urban minority males.  Several program officials…reported improved test scores, better attendance, or improved behavior among students in single-gender settings.”(15)  This is supported by Dr. Riordan’s research in which he found that the performance of African-American and Hispanic students in single-sex schools is stronger on all tests, with scores, on average, almost one academic year above that of their peers in coeducational settings.(16)


The success of “no excuses”-type high schools such as KIPP (Houston, TX and Gaston, NC), Academy of the Pacific Rim (Boston, MA), Noble Street (Chicago, IL), YES College Preparatory School (Youth Engaged in Service, Houston, TX), and MATCH (Media and Technology Charter High School, Boston, MA) have shown irrefutably that potentially negative demographic factors can be overcome by well-designed schools that combine innovative educational approaches, longer instructional time, high academic standards, and strong behavioral expectations.


Drawing from the best practices of these successful small schools, Green Tech High will provide a high-quality alternative for the students most at risk of falling between the cracks.   To ensure that each of its students attain mastery in the fundamental subjects of English language arts and mathematics, Green Tech High will offer two hours of instruction in composition and literature daily; 90 minutes of math instruction daily; and will set-aside substantial time each day for tutoring and other instructional assistance such as "ZAP" period (learn more) and Special Education staff support.  All students will receive weekly instruction in preparing presentations and in public speaking.  Students also will be able to contact their teachers at any time, seven days a week, via cell phone for help with homework or other issues.  This level of direct interaction is unheard of in Albany’s district schools.


  1. Blumstein,Alfred和Elizabeth Graddy,“流行率和累犯指數被捕:一種反饋模型”,《法律與社會評論》 16:265-290,1981年。

  2. 國家教育部,《奧爾巴尼市學區英語藝術,數學和科學領域表現概述以及學生分組表現分析》,2005年2月,第23頁。

  3. 同上,分別為15和18。

  4. 美國人口普查局,1999年的貧困狀況,人口普查2000年摘要文件4,

  5. 紐約州兒童與家庭服務辦公室,康復服務部。

  6. 國家刑事司法服務部2004年(2005年8月)彙編的數據。未成年人的定義是18歲以下的所有年齡段。

  7. 奧爾巴尼的幫派專家羅恩·庫克·巴雷特(Ron“ Cook” Barrett)是幫派預防中心的負責人,該中心是奧爾巴尼的青年和家庭服務部的一個項目,引用於大衛·金(David King)的“ Y之夜”,Metroland,2005年夏季。

  8. 奧爾巴尼縣緩刑部門副主任給詹寧斯市長的信,於2001年3月21日發送,可在線訪問

  9. 例如,請訪問

  10. 政府間研究所國家青年幫派中心,

  11. 桑波,TP 1998年。“青年團伙成員並參與嚴重和暴力犯罪,” R。Loeber和DP Farrington編輯,《嚴重暴力犯罪者:危險因素和成功的干預措施》。加利福尼亞州千橡市:聖人出版社。

  12. “向首都地區社區和讚助者提供的健康概況報告”,奧爾巴尼縣衛生局,2002年5月。

  13. 紐約東北部艾滋病委員會青少年統計網站, / teenStatsSpeaking.htm。

  14. 國家教育部,《奧爾巴尼市學區英語藝術,數學和科學領域表現概述及學生分組表現分析》,2005年2月,第18頁。

  15. Cornelius Riordan,“沉默的性別差距”,教育週,1999年11月17日,第46、49頁。

  16. 公共教育:涉及單性別學校和課程的問題(華盛頓特區:總會計局,1996年)。

  17. Cornelius Riordan,《學校裡的男孩和女孩:在一起還是分開》(紐約:教師學院出版社,1990年)。另請參見Cornelius Riordan,“單一性別學校:非洲和西班牙裔美國人的成果”,《教育和社會化社會學研究》(1994年,第18卷),第177-205頁。



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